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As part of a busy forecast of events involving overseas training in Europe and further afield, the 1st Battalion maintains their operational commitments as well. Corunna Company continues to provide high quality force protection as part of NATO operations in the middle east. They work hard to provide a secure environment for coalition advisors alongside […]
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Corunna Company, the 1st Battalion have been busy maintaining their operational commitments following a busy festive period whilst deployed on Op SHADER. They continue to work hard to provide a secure environment for coalition advisors alongside our Iraqi, American, Canadian, Estonian, Finnish, and Hungarian Friends. @ministryofdefence @britishsoldieruk @_desert_rats_ @1ukdivision #Fortunefavoursthebrave #Catterick #Iraq #Yorkshire #Infantry
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“A proud bunch of soldiers”. Listen to this great article from Forces News about the work being conducted by Burma Company, 1st Battalion in #Iraq. The Desert Rats – 7th Light Mechanised Brigade Combat Team British Army The Royal Yorkshire Regiment Trained in #Yorkshire. Deployed The World Over. #fortunefavoursthebrave