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In the magnificent 13th century Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, friends and supporters of the regiment, the Company of Merchant Adventurers of #York hosted the annual tankard awards, recognising the achievements of members of the regimental family and those from regional Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. Due to COVID restrictions last year, the 2022 tankards were […]

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Congratulations to the latest #Yorkshire #Infantry who passed out from Itc Catterick, Infantry Training Centre on Course C22.02. Welcome to Pte Harper, Pte Hollowed – awarded ‘Best Endeavour’, Pte Middleton, Pte Modeste and Pte Webb – awarded best shot on the course. The prizes were awarded by Col Matt Palmer, also YORKS who was the […]

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Today, across #1YORKS, #2YORKS, #4YORKS and our proud antecedent regiments, we commemorate Corunna Day. In late 1808 Sir John Moore advanced from his base at Lisbon to meet up with a force under General Baird, sent out from Britain and landed at Vigo and Corunna on 13th October. This force included both the 14th Foot […]

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On our regimental Helmand Company Day, here’s a 6 minute slideshow from the archive of images from Op HERRICK. #1YORKS #2YORKS #4YORKS

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Congrats and well done to the following WO2 #yorkshire-men from 2nd Battalion at #chester. WO2 Jed Jones from #Darlington, promoted to WO1 and the next RSM at 4th Battalion. WO2 Ross Willis from #middlesbrough, to be the next RQMS for #1YORKS. WO2 Ryan Kirkbright from #Bradford, promoted to WO1 and the next RSM at Itc […]

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Contact Front! Contact Front! #1YORKS Patrol Platoon executing contact drills during live-fire tactical training in British Army Training Unit Kenya, where they are providing the enemy force for 1st Battalion The Rifles The Desert Rats – 7th Light Mechanised Brigade Combat Team British Army #yorkshire #infantry Read more:

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Best of luck to the #1YORKS team on Ex Cambrian Patrol 22. Lt Southworth, Cpl Dorrian, LCpl Taga, Pte Lyles, Pte Rae, Pte Vause, Pte Warn & Pte Olsson. The Desert Rats – 7th Light Mechanised Brigade Combat Team

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Out in British Army Training Unit, Kenya – BATUK, Catterick-based #1YORKS are conducting essential in-theatre training before acting as the Opposing Force (OPFOR)) for The Rifles. From Fire and Wildlife training, to Bushcraft and Acclimatisation, the infanteers from #1YORKS Alma Company and Patrols Platoon are now set ready for the live-firing ranges on the Ol […]

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A message to the Regiment from the Colonel Of The Regiment, Maj Gen ZR Stenning OBE on transition to the Union Division The Integrated Defence and Security Review in 2021 launched a significant transformation for the Army under Future Soldier. As a regiment, we have already witnessed some early exciting changes, both in our locations […]

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#1YORKS Corunna Company ‘Immortals’ deployed to an unusually ‘sunny’ Brecon Beacons National Park for Ex Immortal Dragon, a two-week exercise, aimed at transitioning the Company into its new, British Army #FutureSoldier Light role, operating in the Rural, Urban, Forested and Trench environments. In October, Ex Immortal Chariot, will introduce the #Yorkshire Infantry to Light-Mechanized operations […]